Thursday 16 May 2013

27,500 chances to help unborn children

In September 2011 SPUC had 400,000 "Abortion: your right to know" leaflets printed. 

SPUC now has 27,500 of these leaflets left.

That's 27,500 chances for you to help unborn children.

2015 will mark the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act. If the current abortion rate continues, 9 million unborn children will have been aborted. SPUC is working towards the complete rejection of abortion by society. One of the ways we will do this is by taking the pro-life message to the people via leafleting. You can see the leaflet below.

Last year there was a total of 208,553 unborn children aborted in Great Britain which is more than:
  • the entire university student population of Wales (131, 185)
  • the entire student populations of Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, Imperial College London, University College London, Warwick, Bristol, King's College London, Exeter, London School of Economics, and Royal Veterinary College combined. (statistics taken from the Higher Education Statistics Authority)
If that bothers you, then please order a batch of leaflets and distribute them in your area. 

Email your name, postal address, and number of leaflets to 
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