Thursday 10 May 2012

"We had a whole plan to sell abortion, and it was called sex education" (Part 2)

In part 1 we heard ex-abortion facility owner Carol Everett's talk about sex education, and how it's used to sell abortion. So it's not surprising that abortionists here in the UK also care deeply about sex education. A few examples:
  • BPAS and Marie Stopes have close links with groups such as Brook, Education for Choice (now a Brook project), and the Family Planning Association (fpa), each intimately involved in sex education, and provision or referral for contraceptives and abortion. 
  • Marie Stopes International has a site aimed directly at children and teens from 11-15 years old. Telling an 11 yr old about sex, showing them detailed images of male and female genitalia, going into detail about a variety of sexual acts a person may do alone or with others, how to get contraception and appointments for abortion consultations, would quite rightly get a person arrested. Why are Marie Stopes allowed to do this through their website? 
  • Earlier this year BPAS, the Calthrope abortion facility, and Brook, were amongst the invited speakers at a sex education conference aimed at teenagers. 
  • Groups like Brook, fpa, and Abortion Rights are keen to be invited into secondary schools and universities to give talks. 
  • Groups like Marie Stopes International  are a regular feature of university fresher's fairs. 
  • Both Marie Stopes and BPAS expected to sit on the coalition government's Sexual Health Forum (only Marie Stopes does). 
  • Such groups are supportive of legislative attempts to make sex education a compulsory requirement in schools. 
  • The founder of the Birmingham Pregnancy Advisory Service (later BPAS) and Calthrope abortion facility, Dr. Martin Cole, was notorious for his explicit sex education film, which was so graphic that it was banned by 1971. Cole made a career as a "sexologist" and remains the registered owner of the Calthrope abortion facility, which was revealed to be involved with the sex-selective abortion Telegraph newspaper investigation. 
SPUC's campaign to protect children from destructive anti-life sex education is of paramount importance. It's about safeguarding children and restoring the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children. To paraphrase the saying of a wise man "it is an illusion to think that we can build a true culture of human life if we do not offer adolescents and young adults an authentic education in sexuality, and in love, and the whole of life according to their true meaning and in their close interconnection." Campaigning for the recognition and upholding of the fundamental right to life from conception is absolutely essential, but we cannot reasonably expect that alone to end abortion. As long as there is a perceived need for abortion, abortion will remain. The perceived need is in part the justification for not eradicating abortion altogether from society at the level of legislation and public opinion. So, addressing the perceived need by tackling corrupting sex education, tackling contraceptive sex and extra-marital sex, reinstating parents as the primary educators in their children's lives, and offering a correct education in human love and sexuality, must continue to constitute a integral part of the pro-life movement.